New research reveals the cancer creation mechanism
Dr. Dimitris Tsoukalas, MD
Since the beginning of the 70s when the fight against cancer started up to date, there have been significant scientific advances regarding mainly its early diagnosis and progress of surgical techniques and means. Despite that, cancer is the first cause of death in developed countries and the second cause of death in the developing countries.
It seems that the contemporary scientific model of approach and handling of cancer has reached its limits and that if we want to further improve the results we must search towards different directions.
Scientists from the University of Arizona, USA, in conjunction with the National University of Australia have developed a new theory concerning the appearance and creation of cancer cells that seems to shed new light in the actual nature of cancer.
What is cancer?
This is a question to which there has not been a satisfactory answer, until now. The prevalent explanation during the last fifty years is the so-called “theory of mutations”. According to this theory, the accumulation of mutations (changes) in DNA during our lifetime leads to destructive changes of the genetic code that cause cancer.
Normally, our cells show “social” behavior and function in harmony in the context of a large colony of cells that are organized in the form of a human body. Changes in DNA lead to some of these cells displaying “irrational” types of behavior. They proliferate in an uncontrolled manner and form one or more tumors that disrupt normal bodily functions through multiple mechanisms.
This stems from the Darwinian theory of evolution, so-called “internal Darwinism”. The development of healthy cells is regulated by a process similar to natural selection. Random mutations (changes in DNA) of cells accumulate and eventually lead to malignancy. The lesions and changes in DNA can be inherited (bad genes in the family) or be caused by exposure to toxic agents, such as cigarette smoke and radiation.
The theory of internal evolution has an explanatory worth, but also presents a few, serious inconsistencies. According to the Darwinian theory of evolution, random mutations are usually harmful and cause immediate death. Cancer cells, however, seem to be very “lucky” all the time, because not only do they survive but actually thrive thanks to such mutations. Furthermore, while normal cells undergo programmed death, tumor cells are immortal and multiply indefinitely.
Are randomness and chaos the main reasons that cause the birth of cancerous cells? In contrast to the above, tumors demonstrate a high level of organization in their behavior.
- They are able to produce their own bloodstream.
- They can silence (deactivate) the genes that suppress cancer (suppressors).
- They activate genes that promote cancer (promoters).
- They produce enzymes that allow them to move between tissues (proteolytic enzymes).
- They change their metabolism to survive in an acidic environment with a low intake of oxygen.
- They are able to eliminate the proteins on the surface of their cell membrane so as not to be noticed by white blood cells and the immune system.
Could it be that all these complex processes occur with the same characteristics, uniformly, in every person who suffers from cancer, through random mutations?
Random mutations certainly have a role in the activation and development of cancer, but alone cannot provide a full explanation of the problem. The probability that all these changes occur uniformly in all cases of cancer is simply zero!
An ancient mechanism reappears
A new theory put forward by Davies and Lineweaver completes the puzzle and allows researchers to follow new paths in their quest for greater understanding and, consequently, the achievement of better results in cancer therapy.
Their research adds new data and fills in the gaps left by internal Darwinism. They believe that cancer is the result of the activation of ancient, dormant cell mechanisms.
We know that inert genes are present in our DNA and that of animals. These genes contain information that is not used by our species; these genes are specifically suppressed by nearby genes, the so-called suppressors.
However, there have been cases of people who were born with tails, with membranes between their toes, with gills, covered with thick hair all over their bodies and supernumerary nipples. It is also known that mutant chickens can develop teeth and marine mammals can develop hind legs. These atavisms (the activation of primordial mechanisms) result from a malfunction of the genes that should suppress the expression of these mechanisms.
Man does not need a tail to keep his balance in trees. To the contrary, a tail might hinder survival. However, the information for creating a tail still exists in our DNA. The reason humans do not develop tails, chickens have no teeth and marine mammals have no hind legs is because there are genes that suppress the expression of this information. It is estimated that these mechanisms were deactivated around 60 million years ago.
However, a mutation in the gene that suppresses their expression may result in the genetic abnormalities mentioned above.
A billion years ago, single-celled organisms that gradually began to organize themselves into multicellular groups prevailed on Earth. It was a state of liberal organization, far from that of today's complex organisms, which have specialized organs and systems.
Conditions on the planet were completely different (low concentration of oxygen and an acidic environment). These types of primitive organisms had a basic function similar to that of a tumor. Genetic information remained in DNA and is usually suppressed. However, when the survival of the organism is marginal or deviates significantly from the norm, these more robust, primitive mechanisms are activated and display a greater ability for survival in these conditions.
The result is cancer.
The new scientific stance differs because cancerous cells are not new and developed within the body as such, but conform a set of security mechanisms that guarantee basic survival.
The seemingly thin line that separates the two points of view uncovers new therapeutic paths. Now that we know that cancer cells develop in less than optimal conditions for the survival of the organism, it is easy to understand that destroying cancer cells to treat cancer is only a partial solution. The body must be brought as close as possible to functioning physiologically.
Cancer is a "Symptom" rather than a "Disease"
Cells begin their cancerous operation in an attempt to survive in a hostile environment. An alteration of the biochemical balance seems to be the main cause behind the onset of cancer. The unhealthy physical environment on earth threatens to completely destroy our cells, so they react by activating primitive mechanisms, which we call cancer.
Actions focused on improving our health and which help to maintain the biochemical balance can significantly reduce the occurrence of cancer. These can include:
- The maintenance of ideal D3 vitamin levels helps proper DNA function;
- Drinking plenty of water is essential to the functioning of every cell in the body. All chemical reactions in the body take place in an under layer with an intracellular composition which is 70% water;
- Consuming an adequate intake of antioxidant foods ad supplements. Antioxidants allow the prompt correction of cellular damage and DNA stability;
- Consuming foods that have not undergone artificial processing, are close to their natural state and provide the ingredients necessary for cells to function properly;
- The intake of a natural multivitamin and vitamin C supplement our nutrition in components that we may not take in adequate quantities
- Remembering to breathe deeply often during the day, to improve the oxygenation of the body cells;
- Adequate rest and sleeping well and enough (7-8 hours) allow the body to correct any damage suffered during the day;
- Exercising at regular intervals improves the functioning of the lungs and the perfusion of the body. A large volume of scientific data proves that physical exercise is effective in reducing the risk of cancer;
- Eliminating sugar and similar substances (fructose, fruit juices, artificial sweeteners) from the diet. The only substance that cancer cells can metabolize as an energy source is sugar.
It’s also vital to maintain a positive mental balance by avoiding useless bad news while promoting good news, reading quality books that makes us more able, getting involved with art, helping others, opting for a positive view of life and being more extrovert help towards a more balanced function of our hormonal system and enhance overall health.
To your health!